- Pre-sell order forms will be provided by ShalGals. Please let us know how many you would like.
- Payment is due in full at the time your order is placed. Make checks or money orders to ShalGals. Your fundraising customers will write all checks to your organization.
- Turn-around time is between 2 and 3 weeks. If the Shalhoob family runs into any delays we will notify you immediately.
- Delivery time will be arranged so the school can provide volunteers to assist with unloading. Carts and dollies will greatly assist us.
- Initial deliveries are to ShalGals in Bismarck, ND.
- If there are any mistakes or anything wrong with your order, ShalGals will remedy the situation as quickly as possible! We want our customers to love our products!
You will make $1.00 per stick, $2.50 per 3oz bag and $3.75 per 6oz bag.
We'd love to help you with your fundraising efforts! EMAIL US TODAY TO FIND OUT MORE, shalgalsjerky@gmail.com